Designed to feel and function like skilled therapeutic hands under the body, the CranioCradle® gently relaxes tense muscles, relieves aches, pains and fatigue and provides deep relaxation. Can be used in multiple positions under the head, neck, body, and sacrum to decompress vertebrae, create mild traction, release trigger points, enable still points and melt away restrictions and stress throughout the body. Use to ease headaches, migraines, chronic neck & shoulder pain, TMJD, whiplash & low back aches. It’s easy to use and works in minutes.
More Information:
Watch the video here: www.youtube.com/embed/LoJdCfdhFrY
What is the CranioCradle?
The CranioCradle is an easy to use, effective home therapy system that helps relieve your stress, tension, and pain so you can thoroughly relax. Reducing stress frees up the body’s energy to improve its natural capacity to repair itself.
How does the CranioCradle help?
The CranioCradle encourages joints to decompress and cramped tense muscles to gently release. It creates a positive effect on the central nervous system allowing your body to discover its natural healing potential.
How do you use it?
The CranioCradle is designed to be placed under the back of the head, neck and body at specific locations in a specialised way. See photos and description included in the instruction leaflet.
May I customise the way I use the CranioCradle to better suit my needs?
Yes, however, it is best to review your plan of use with your healthcare professional.
Does everyone respond to the CranioCradle in the same way each time?
No, people are highly individual. Some feel deeply relaxed while others describe sensations of release. Some feel the effects immediately and others feel it hours later.
Can the CranioCradle be used at places in my body that are tight and restricted?
Yes. It can be useful in providing gentle pressure at tight areas to relieve pain, tension, and discomfort.
Are there any restrictions for using the CranioCradle?
Yes, there are situations where the CranioCradle should be used with caution or avoided altogether. Restrictions include, but are not limited to: cranium, face, or spine trauma, brain stem tumor, acute stroke, intracranial bleeding, inflammatory conditions, blood clots, cardiac conditions, pregnancy, carotid stenosis, thrombosis, venous obstructions and serious circulatory problems. If you’ve been diagnosed with or are concerned about any of these issues, consult your healthcare professional before using the CranioCradle.
Can I use the CranioCradle for more or less than the recommended time?
It is important that you listen to your body. For some people, five minutes may be perfect, but others feel that 20 minutes is the right amount of time.
What is the CranioCradle made of?
It is a specific type of foam that is 100% recyclable.
Can I use the CranioCradle while reclining on the floor?
It is best to use the CranioCradle on a soft surface such as a bed, sofa or massage table.
Does it damage my CranioCradle when it compresses during use?
The CranioCradle is made of soft foam that is designed to compress during use and then to its regular shape within seconds after use.
How do I clean my CranioCradle?
Simply use warm water with liquid soap or any sanitiser commonly used in the home or healthcare setting.
Can I heat or freeze my CranioCradle?
No, extreme temperatures can damage the CranioCradle.