In CS1 you learn the 10-Step Protocol.
In CS2 you learn techniques to assist with TemporoMandibular Joint (TMJ) Dysfunction and the Hard Palate.
In SER1 you learn the Avenue of Expression Protocol, which includes work with the TMJ and Hard Palate.
The techniques for freeing the Avenue of Expression (AOE) have been shown to:
- Assist the release of structural issues, such as cervical, lumbar, and pelvic dysfunctions.
- Improve swallowing, breathing, teeth alignment, and temporomandibular mobility.
- Facilitate the ability to articulate, communicate, and speak one’s truth.
This beautifully illustrated trifold reference chart is a clear and concise review of the CranioSacral Therapy techniques for the AOE. It is also a quick reference guide for the key anatomical structures of the AOE.
The AOE reference chart is an excellent client education visual aid to help explain the importance of working with the structures related to the Avenue of Expression.
A must-have trifold reference chart for all manual therapists!